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Reverse Dictionary

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ovoid ovate oviform oval ooidal butternut jellybean egg ocarina aubergine granadilla eggplant obovate ovum egg-and-dart penguin mayapple ooid pineapple May apple thalamus mad-apple tamarillo plum tomato obovoid eggshell loquat Easter egg Humpty Dumpty glair hatch kiwi egg squash Gonk noodle ovoidal albumen lemon Anjou Darling plum pine cone flocculus egger poroporo sessile oak eggar Oikopleura ant egg nit olive larch sassafras lime kangaroo apple ball smilax marzipan
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shell darning mushroom bird's-nest lunate artichoke gall cock's–eggs olive tree mammee cystidea knob darning egg tree tomato marmalade tree egg-butt parathyroid gland bullace egg and dart vitellus archegonium pyriform lay sphenoid eggcup conoid spermatozoon magnificent spider mace analemma oo- aliform yolk shuttle shell goog amygdaloid nucleus of Pander sea necklace steak tartare sea oat ovi- acorn annular cuneate macaroon pasta oosome Cystoidea coachwood cone oocyte form cordate resilience cordiform avocado navicular cruciform ovulite egg-shaped o crescent ovaliform American football rugby misshapen cackle latebra French toast baroque semilunar impregnable ootheca cruciate roe zygote white ovalbumin aciform alimentary paste oogenesis remiform conical coccus rectangular cup vitelline bacilliform global clavate cuneiform sigmoid tempera berry hard-boiled ovicular soft-boiled chiffon round bacillary sushi campanulate claviform kiss addle pip elliptical hooded hatchling hooked anguilliform mayonnaise linguiform candle rotiform angel food cake monotocous Scotch egg figured triangular globular aciculiform germ cell uniparous Newburg scaphoid cubic monozygotic rod foliate papilliform parthenogenesis ab ovo egg-cup lenticular fertile globoid horseshoe unhatched meringue conception sunny side up archiblast vitellin lyrate cubiform asteroid amygdaloidal cocoon falciform nuciform ovule subventaneous hemispheric aiguille ductile testiculate cylindrical unciform fireball pediform fungiform notch spherical auriform conic bell curve coniform clever pyramid kidney blotch cuboid deltoid amphimixis bird oviparous blastomere egg-white resting egg souffle tube sock coracoid adeniform turning orbicular v pothook inductile modiolar sherbet cleavage ovularian frosting eclosion hollandaise sauce yellow reniform featured souffl� [or] souffle discoblastic scrotiform avidin egg white oviposit hollandaise gefilte fish biotin polyembryony b�arnaise sauce [or] bearnaise sauce holoblastic layer egg cup mousseline sauce colostrum pink lady blow eggy conceptus thyroid cr�me br�l�e [or] creme brulee impregnate spring roll drop spiciform rhamphoid pyramidal horned malleiform circinate campaniform hooky lingulate pisiform poached egg ootid divinity kenning starry hourglass mamilla sagittate arrowhead ungulate callipygian xiphophyllous alar pulvinate globe-shaped shop bursiform filiform almond-eyed tubular ARC hippocrepiform spatulate globe antenniform unshaped lentoid falcate trapezoid lozenged germinal apparatus tread pod treadle pace egg egging germinal vesicle egged advocaat chorion vitelline membrane googie shirr ov- embryonic vesicle ey ooglea weavers'–shuttle blowcase arcuate flabellum xiphoid turbinate shapable ampulliform rhabdoid shell egg teardrop boxy auricular ell dome telolecithal ascidiform spade dished CS S meniscus conchiform h VS clathrate monotreme embryo soft–boiled i almond fertilize bow t rockered leggy US hearted uncut sausage stick U C ensiform coddle caplet L doughnut monovular brood anchor gynogenesis prairie oyster vegetal cut subovate chevron dish duck pasch-egg bird's–egg green duck egg aioli utricle peeper prolate implant micropyle salad hardboiled flyblow grub capacitate oosphere deposit exclusion hen fruit cackle berry peel crème anglaise ovicapsule allemande lecith- egg sac dropped egg liaison ovoviviparous elliptic Béarnaise sauce ovicide icing egg-and-spoon race female male rissole in lutein nidamental ranch egg eggler duck's egg ovoplasma glaze cosy chalaza addled eggshell blue eyren annulus pseudovum edge oosperm marchpane chocolate-egg ant-egg addle egg poulette paste-egg total cleavage canoe crescentic harengiform bicephalous pandurate cordoform quadratic cuneated hysterioid scyphiform hamiform archwise anguiform mammiferous acetabular infundibular ancistroid cocleariform demilune acinaciform penniform rhipidate ligulate anchorate culiciform conceive cock's egg spawn parablast ooplasm rotten egg tagliatelle golden buck ova skate barrow bad hat egg–bound egg yolk ovioular ovipara blown egg-roll pot egg wind egg shell membrane soufflé potatoes dentoid acetabuliform moon-shaped antheriform spiniform shoop allantoid baculiform decussate crinoid clavicorn calceiform cypraeiform cyath- sleek pear-shaped saddle-shaped uncinate ring-spotted spade beard plinthiform pillar–box pennate naviform olivary lunar lune oven-shaped tectiform bulbous splodge splotch sphere lozenge cup sponge helicoid fabiform hamate hammer–wrought spiny ring-shaped quadrate concha wedged U–tube urceiform V-shaped U rail xiph- fanciful naviculoid pomiform nummuloidal leaf–shaped rhomboid trochal reducing tee parabola discal discoid malformed wheel-shaped strobiliform scutiform hypocrateriform amentiform campaniliform obeliscoid knee colter rodded auriculate maniform cuppy discoidal acerate drum stool parabolic urceolate stelliform cricoid pennated alveoliform kidney-form perithecium clubbed peltate stelliferous lobate gravy ring dovetail bacillus handbell-shaped ligule rhombic clypeiform dendroid rostelliform ostreiform cephaloid corniform awl-shaped reverse curve dishing diamond tentaculiform bell-like I rail botuliform stellate T slot annulate aciculate ball-shaped raniform trough table fusilli ogived ringed farfalle cyathiform calculiform dentiform St Anthony cross planariform salamandriform scalpriform drepanoid scyphate dolioform tunnel house cross–garnet embryonated game egg egg case egg membrane Maryland chicken monembryony sponge crab flip seed tent ampulla astroid celliform cornucopia cassideous circular fusi- hump hopper crystal in the shape of igloo pointy tubby tau cross sagittal lacrimiform lyriform orzo pear–shaped sphen- fusee scutelliform square wedge-shaped subclavate spinulose Scotch woodcock germinal disc chymoplasm egg bed meroblast trump strain periblastula range egg ichthulin roe corn egg noodle hard-set embryonation glairy incubate ichthidin meat spot egg-bound gravid string meroblastic flan French ice cream germ nucleus intravitelline ooscope sea grape angel cake alecithal blob identical latke marsupium oogonium pysanka pease pudding gallature anchor dart germinal spot palatschinken sunny–side up nog andromerogony good egg soufflé summer egg strap-shaped elytriform furcular cake discopodous orecchiette taiko u [or] U life buoy lozen mytiliform mitriform peg-tooth regenerate ellipsoid styliform languet latticed tractable semicircular lageniform x [or] X galeiform made misshape palmate fungilliform balloon satellite anthropomorphous C & W bell–shaped cuspate SS is z [or] Z sphenocephalic bowl angulate crucial cumuliform peltiform patella diamond–point mammilliform modioliform beaten trumpet ladyfinger pencillated gladiate casque paddle fuso- cymbiform clochette helical lancet kidney–shaped phacoid shell bit tortellini rotate regular sinker slam C & G rotor disc C & M cornuted duckbill subcordate sickle drepaniform guttate brick soleiform dumb-bell bombe saddle wedgy acicular pupiform lozengy v [or] V HS chaliced heart-leaf nummiform calamitic jelly bean s [or] S half–mooned heart urchin U trap ephippial hook tented loop tee trochlear ditali cup wheel microrhabdus doughnut hole digitate c & f taenioid Elachistodontidae egg receptor blood spot nest egg winter egg test-tube baby acrosome bad egg caruncle blastodisc foo yong cob coal entrance path egg picking prairie-cocktail spaetzle syngamy mousse eggy bread quenelle xanthophyll ovate-rotundate fertilization new-laid carposperm penetration path silver fizz ovalbumen ichthin check cockatrice germen green-corn game-egg implantation mix bobotie stracciatella zabaglione duchesse potatoes eggnog cobble avgolemono alum leather apple snow Malé macrolecithal egg flat whisky sour carpogonium ramen sit royal icing scramble egg axis floating island in ovo hard–boiled gripe's egg alum curd custard tart marshmallow Russian Easter egg soldier velouté blastocone emerge micromere muffin emergence peak oviduct ruffle sabayon father berried venter puggle chordoplasm vitellogenin Graafian follicle endochorion entrance cone choux pastry egg foo yong sorbet tartare sauce ovulation coenocentrum southern-fried mermaid's purse ookinesis pseudogamy potato pancake rinktum ditty royal fizz rumfustian receptive spot albumin Australorp battered can't boil an egg cassette fetus epigenesis egg tempera snow pudding whip apomixis brinjal germ-spot lysozyme island neck piping squawky cleidoic larviposition germatic fallopian tube Khaki Campbell golden fizz germ band hard–boil gamete sea purse zoon tritovum almond snow carbonara buck rarebit dibling sea corn croque-madame poach red spot Schedius flyblown mesomere mother maypop acrosin ovisac ovism ovolo snowball shard pronucleus prototherian exochorion crossband acaroid domical guttiform hamulate quarrel quilled anvil cloud atheroid arch auricle bag net bell drum ring bolster burry butternut squash galea -coccus coyote hole cotyliform dome bed cast chalice fantail fiddleheaded horn

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Words For "egg shaped"

As you've probably noticed, words for "egg shaped" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "egg shaped" are: ovoid, ovate, oviform, oval, and ooidal. There are 995 other words that are related to or similar to egg shaped listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "egg shaped" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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